Wednesday 7 December 2011

Excellent work this week Y7.
For your home work you need to give an explanation of the religious festival of Passover.
This should include...
Skilled work will:
The story of the final plague, the story behind Passover, with a picture.
Some of the traditions that are still celebrated today for Passover. (Think about different foods)
Excellent work will:
Give details of some of the plagues that happened before the tenth plague with images.
Explain in increasing detail the story behind Passover.
Give an explanation of how the festival is celebrated now.
Let me know if you have any problems.

Thursday 24 November 2011


Hello &GPd

In the last week we have looked at festivals in Hinduism. We have looked at Diwali and learnt about one of the stories behind the festival. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita.
There are about 8 main points to this story.

  1. Rama and Sita are banished to live in the forest. Rama's brother Lakshaman also lives with them.
  2. Sita sees a golden deer, which is really a demon in disguise, and wants Rama to catch it for her. Rama and Lakshaman do this, but tell Sita not to leave a circle that they put around the house to protect her. 
  3. Sita is coaxed out of the circle by Ravana who is disguised as a Holy man. He takes her away to Lanka.
  4. Rama and Lakshaman return and realise that Sita has been taken; they go to find Sita.
  5. Rama is joined by Hanuman, the king of the monkies, who offers to help fight Ravana and return Sita home. Rama gives Hanuman his ring to give to Sita.
  6. Hanuman rescues Sita. She is worried that he is a demon, but, when she sees the ring, she knows Hanuman is there to help her.
  7. Meanwhile, Rama has a fierce battle with Ravana and eventually kills Ravana
  8. Rama and Sita return to the village from where they were banished and Rama becomes King. People leave lamps out to guide them back safely; the lamps are now a symbol of the festival of light, which celebrates the triumph of light over dark, good over evil. 
Your homework is to create a story board of this story. A story board is like a cartoon strip with a little explanation at the bottom. If you would like to do this as a comic strip, you may. Print out the above points and cut and stick them on if you have difficulty writing. 
Skilled story boards should include:
6-8 points to the story.
Detailed drawings.
Some key names from the stories.
Excellent story boards should include:
Detailed drawings with colour.
Points are made with increasing detail to show full understanding of the story.
The final caption should give full detail of the celebration of Diwali.

This is due in on Tuesday 29th November.

Leave a comment (anonymously) if you have any questions. They will not publish straight away, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Hello 7GPd

This week we have consolidated our leanrning about Hinduism. Here is the lesson we did in class.
Next lesson Diwali!

Ms Caldwell

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Hello Y7

You've worked very well today.

In the last few lessons week we looked at lateral thinking techniques - all thinking in the same way at the same time. We did this using Edward De Bono's thinking hats. I most enjoyed your Green Hat thinking, Creative Thinking. You should have spent some time thinking about how you're thinking! Think about what 'hat' you think in a lot.
Here is the lesson to help you think about how you're thinking.

Find out 3 detailed facts about Hinduism.This should include: Description,

Explanation, and Evaluation.

Here is a link to a useful website for this information.

Skilled Homework will:

1.Show understanding of Hindu beliefs, practices.

2.Explain why Hindus do/believe this.

Excellent Homework will:

1.Identify a range of aspects of Hinduism using key terminology.

2.Explain and evaluate how Hinduism influences the lives of the

believers with increasing levels of explanation (e.g. Say why).

This is due in on Wednesday 9th November.

You need this homework as we'll be using it in the lesson.

Leave a comment if you have any problems.

Best wishes,

Ms Caldwell

Thursday 20 October 2011

Hello 7GPd

Another excellent fortnight of work from you. Well done.

This week we have been researching Islam. You did some independent research and then collated (brought together) your learning in your teams.

Here is the PowerPoint we used in lesson.
Here is a link to a useful website if you'd like to extend your learning further.

We then made posters to show our learning; here, you came a little off task letting artistic flair and creativity get in the way of how Islam impacts upon the way Muslims (people who follow Islam) live thier lives. We'll do a brief lesson on this when be get back to ensure you are clear in how to discuss the impact of belief upon a person's life.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Well done 7GPd!

Hello Y7
Well done on an excellent start to the year. You've settled in really well and you should be very proud of yourselves.

I'll use this blog to set homework and give you a review of lessons. I encourage you to share this with your parents or carers too so they can see what we've been learning. I will often put links on so that you can look at other information. If something appears in a different colour, click on it and see where it takes you.

We have achieved a lot over these first few weeks. We started with the work that we did on talent and mindsets. Remember Desmond Douglas and the Polgar sisters? Their dad said that 'geniuses are made, not born' and created genius chess playing daughters.  If you work hard you will do well: remember Micheal Jodan's message? Never say, 'I'm just not very good at this.' Don't make excuses!

Before we had our Religious Visits Day, we devised questions that helped us understand what a person believes and how they see the world. I hope you all asked a question when you went on your visits. We will be looking at how people see the world over the next few weeks and how religion influences the way people see the world.
After reflecting on the day we had we came up with a list of questions form each team that we would like to know about. They are:
  • why is the Star of David called the Star of David?
  • why do people believe in reincarnation?
  • why do Buddhists wear orange robes?
  • can you convert to Buddhism?
  • why aren't Muslims allowed to draw Allah or the Prophet Muhammed?
  • why do Muslims pray facing Mecca?
The religion that we will study first is Islam. The people who follow this religion are called Muslims.
Before we start this it is important to know how you see the world. Here, we are learning to understand our own view of the world and learning to make comparisons with other people's beliefs.
What do you believe in?
Using the questions that we devised in class and the information you found out on the school trip write about how you see the world and compare to other views. I would like you to plan for 5 minutes and write for 30 minutes.
If you need some extra help, consider:
Do you believe in God? 
What do you think the point of life is?
How do these beliefs compare with what other people believe?
Below is your success criteria of what you need to do to do well. Your are only at the very beginning of Y7 so don't panic if you are unsure. Just try your best.  
Skilled work will
1.Identify a range of aspects of your own beliefs
2.Explain with some detail other beliefs
3.Make some comparison to your own beliefs
Excellent work will
1.Identify a range of aspects using key terminology (rituals,worship, buildings, narratives (important books) etc.)
2.Explain in detail your response to these beliefs
3.Make an extended comparison to your own beliefs

Let me know if you have any problems.
Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Welcome 7GP to your class blog!

This is a place where you and your parents/carers can look at the work we've completed in lessons; you can also use it to find out information about homework. This is a great way for me to share things with you that will enable you to extend your learning independently. 

I also want to say how wonderful it was to meet you today, your first day. You worked so well. I was so impressed with how well you worked together. I am looking forward to teaching you all and watching how well you progress over the course of the year. 

Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell